Light, Learning, and Playing in the Mountains

Light, Learning, and Playing in the Mountains

But first an addition to the previous post of perspective:

Light in Dark

There is light even in the Dark


Here the air in the mountains is just

Clear and contaminated with nature to give life

As we breathe

And move

And rest

And imagine

Against all the words that condemn and box one in as a caged animal in other’s demons and defenses against their own tragic actions

A simple Doch is the mountain air for so many

And also for me.

Mountain Morning

The clouds dance through the valleys and the mountain tops.


It is in playing though in the mountain air that one encounters the gift of Grace, of life and hope.

Last evening Christian played and practiced with my camera and produced this photo of Tim Wray, Pastor and down to earth man, who is returning to farm parttime and open his congregation to be a teaching site for intern pastors!

Smiles Alive

An acquaintance of many years.


And then the next morning the light shines on the mountains …

Full of clouds and light and


Doch … the world is not to stay broken, Doch Grace will flow.

Morning Mountain LIght

The Light, the Hope, the Doch come clear in the morning.